
Atesteeritud naistearstid 2012 novembris

Atesteeritud naistearstid  2012 november – 2017 november   1 Aluri Ailen 2 Gattsenko Galina 3 Hermlin Tiiu 4 Jaigma Kristin 5 Kask Katrin 6 Kimmel Maris 7 Kriisa Liis 8 Laasik Reet 9 Lehtsaar Jaak 10 Muhhina Karmen 11 Mäss Tiiu 12 Parve Maike 13 Ronenson Irina 14 Räim Svetlana 15 Rüütel Tiia 16 Sekavin Aire 17 Serebrova Tatjana 18 Sokk Reet 19 Troitskaja Alice 20 Uppin Arno 21 Vaas Pille 22 Varvas Mall 23 Volmer Ena 24 Hramov Annely 25 Larina Ilona 26 Linnamägi Anneli 27 Toomsalu Janne 28 Täär Katrin 29 Rajasalu Liina 30 Vigel Monika 31 Angerjas Tiina 32 Rätsnik Reet  

Kutse tervisetehnoloogiate hindamise konverentsile

Kutsume Teid osalema konverentsil „Tervisetehnoloogiate hindamine Eestis 2012“. Konverentsi korraldab Tartu Ülikooli tervishoiu instituut. Tervisetehnoloogiate hindamise eesmärk on anda hinnang arstiabis kasutatavate sekkumiste ja ravimite potentsiaalsetele eelistele, riskidele ja kulutõhususele. Konverentsil antakse ülevaade sellest, mis on tervistehnoloogiate hindamine ja tutvustatakse tervishoiu instituudis koostatud ja koostamisel olevaid hindamisi. Konverents toimub 22. novembril Tartus Dorpati konverentsikeskuse Struve saalis. Käsitletavad teemad ja ajakava leiate manuses. Oma osalemisest andke palun teada hiljemalt 15. novembriks meiliaadressil This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Täiendav info: Telvi Tonsiver This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 56909079

RCOG World Congress, Liverpool UK, 24 - 26 June 2013

Dear colleague, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists World Congres will take place in Liverpool, UK from 24 – 26 June 2013.   If you have any queries please do let me know. Many thanks Hannah Batchelor Conference Manager Hampton Medical Conferences 113-119 High Street, Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1NJ, UK Direct Dial: Mobile: Switchboard: Fax: +44 (0)20 8783 2236 +44 (0)7432 731 912 +44 (0)20 8979 8300 +44 (0)20 8979 6700 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Visit our website: Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype


Eesti I urogünekoloogia ja vaagnapõhja kirurgia konverentsi ettekanded leiate siit/First Conference on Estonian Urogynaecology and Pelvic Floor Surgery presentations you find here: Pildigalerii/photos:

X Eesti Valu Konverents 02.11.2012

02. novembril toimub Tallinnas Salme Kultuurikeskuses X Eesti Valu Konverents, mille teemaks on vastavalt Rahvusvahelise Valu Uurimise Organisatsiooni (IASP) prioriteetidele peavalu. Tegemist on Eesti Valu Seltsi ja Eesti Peavalu Seltsi ühiskonverentsiga. Konverentsi esialgse programmi ja registreerimisinfo leiate kirja manusest. Lugupidamisega Boris Gabovitš, Eesti Valu Seltsi president Mark Braschinsky, Eesti Peavalu Seltsi president

Täpsustatud urogünekoloogia konverentsi kava!

Eesti I urogünekoloogia ja vaagnapõhjakirurgia                    konverents. Tartus 20.09-21.09.2012   20.09.2012 SA TÜK naistekliiniku auditoorium 09.30-10.00 registreerimine, tervituskohv 10.00  Prof. Aleksander Popovi näidislõikused vaagnapõhjaorganite prolapsi (VOP) ja uriinipidamatuse ravis ( laparoskoopiline vaginosacropexia, colpopexia cum Prolift, Bulkamid).   21.09.2012  Loengud (TÜ raamatukogu saal) 09.30-10.00 näitus, kohv 10.00-10.05 avasõnad 10.05-10.30  ”Vaagnapõhja anatoomia ja VOP” . Dr. M. Ramazanov 10.30-10.50 ”POPQ süsteem”. Dr. B.Tamm 10.50-11.10 ”Vaagnapõhja ultraheliuuringud”. Dr. K.Asser 11.10-11.30 ”Role of USG and Urodynamics in evaluating female with pelvic floor dysfunction”. Dr. Zane Pilsetniece 11.30-12.10 kohvipaus, näitus 12.10-12.30 ”Retsidiveeruv stressinkontinets”. Dr. T.Tamm 12.30-13.00 ”The rationale behind vaginal mesh”. Dr. J-P. W.R.Roovers 13.00-13.30 ”VOP kirurgiaga kaasnevad tüsistused”. Prof. A.Popov 13.30-14.00 ”Vaginaalne versus laparoskoopiline VOP kirurgia”. Prof. A.Popov 14.00-15-30 lõuna, näitus 15.30-16.00 ”Väikevaagna varikoos”. Dr. V.Palmiste 16.00-16.30 ”Funktsionaalsed anorektaalsed häired”. Dr. M.Peetsalu 16.30- 17.10 ”Surgical treatment of vulvar vestibulitis”. Dr. P.Tommola

First global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-25 May 2013

The First global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health is approaching and it is clear that the ambitions of this congress can not be fulfilled without your active support and who else than yourselves, recognised authorities, are better placed to handle this. Therefore, I would like to emphasise the need for your active support to inform as many people as possible on the 1st Global ESC Conference. A number of items are available to promote the congress: 1) Enclosed you will find the announcement (PDF). Forward this to your email listing, colleagues,... with the message to spread the information. 2) Thank you for adding the congress dates and contact info on website(s) : First global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-25 May 2013 Information: European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health Opalfeneweg 3 1740 Ternat tel. +32 2 582 08 52 fax. +32 2 582 55 15 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3) Enclosed you will find a powerpoint presentation with information. As most of you are frequently asked speakers at congresses, seminars,...I would like to encourage you to inform your audience by means of the powerpoint presentation on the conference. Also within your society this opportunity may present itself. Please free feel to include other information which might be useful according to your experience. 4) First announcements & posters are available. Please inform the ESC Central Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on the number you require in order to promote the Congress during Society meetings, congresses, in hospitals... 5) You could add the enclosed QR-code (information on conference) on websites. 6) Maybe you have other suggestions on how to reach the professionals. Do not hesitate to inform us on these ideas. Thanks on beforehand for your highly appreciated co-operation! Kind regards, Sven O. Skouby Conference President Johannes Bitzer President of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health