ENS koolitustoetusele kandideerisid ja teotuse said järgmised kolleegid osavõtumaksu suuruses ettekannete eest EBCOG ja FIGO kongressidel:
1. Betti Siedermann 375 EUR Case of endometrial adenocarcinoma associated with primitive neuroectodermal tumor
2. Triin Tammiste 450 EUR Case report: successful cryopreservation and transplatation of ovarian tissue in a patient with breasr cancer
3. Katrin Sepp 375 EUR Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma and an emergency caesarean
4. Piret Veerus 450 EUR The role of professional society in quality of perinatal care: Experience from Estonia
1. Piret Veerus 691 EUR Cervical cancer screering in Estonia : role of central digital screering registry
2. Kristiina rull 691 EUR FSHB-211 G T is a major genetic modulaator of reproductive physiology and health in childbearing age women
Multivitamins during pregnancy reduce the risk for preterm delivery among Low-risk women: data from Happy Pregnancy Study
ENS juhatus
ENS koolitustoetusele kandideerisid ja teotuse said järgmised kolleegid osavõtumaksu suuruses ettekannete eest EBCOG ja FIGO kongressidel:
1. Betti Siedermann 375 EUR Case of endometrial adenocarcinoma associated with primitive neuroectodermal tumor
2. Triin Tammiste 450 EUR Case report: successful cryopreservation and transplatation of ovarian tissue in a patient with breasr cancer
3. Katrin Sepp 375 EUR Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma and an emergency caesarean
4. Piret Veerus 450 EUR The role of professional society in quality of perinatal care: Experience from Estonia
1. Piret Veerus 691 EUR Cervical cancer screering in Estonia : role of central digital screering registry
2. Kristiina rull 691 EUR FSHB-211 G T is a major genetic modulaator of reproductive physiology and health in childbearing age women
Multivitamins during pregnancy reduce the risk for preterm delivery among Low-risk women: data from Happy Pregnancy Study
ENS juhatus