
24 th COGI congress 10-13.11.2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands

The 24th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI) will take place November 10-13, 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

COGI has already placed itself as a unique congress. The 24th edition of COGI will continue to tackle cutting edge controversial issues in the field, and will provide participants with diverse, multi-disciplinary scientific programs, covering the most recent research, developments and treatments. In addition, participants will have ample time in each session to discuss their comments and questions with the speakers.

Additional information:  

Koostöökonverents: Võimalused onkoloogias - 14.06.16 - Tallinnas Kumu auditooriumis

Lugupeetud arstid!


Kutsume teid Eesti esimesele tervikliku tervishoiu koostöökonverentsile: Võimalused onkoloogias


MTÜ Terviklik Tervishoid koostöös Eesti Vähiliiduga korraldab 14. juunil 2016 Tallinnas Kumu auditooriumis koostöökonverentsi, mis keskendub tõenduspõhiste tava- ja täiendmeditsiini võimaluste käsitlemisele onkoloogias.  


Tervikliku tervishoiu konverentsi eesmärk on soodustada konventsionaalse ja täiendmeditsiini arstide koostööd patsiendi tervenemise huvides. Toetudes tunnustatud ekspertide kogemusele ja teadusuuringutele on kavas edendada arutelu vähipatsiendi tervikliku tervisekäsitluse teemal ning tutvustada ka uuemaid tõenduspõhiseid meetodeid nii klassikaliste ravimeetodite kui ka täiendmeditsiini vallas. Vähipatsiendi ravi õnnestumise, ravi kõrvalmõjudega toimetuleku ja parema elukvaliteedi huvides on oluline edendada dialoogi kõigi teda toetavate asjatundjate vahel.


Kaasaegse vähiravi põhimeetodeid ja kaasnevaid võimalikke kõrvaltoimeid avab  Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla onkoloogia- ja hematoloogiakliiniku juhataja dr. Vahur Valvere. Pikaajalise kliiniliste uuringute ja kliinilise töö kogemusega  Sheba haigla integratiivse onkoloogia üksuse juhataja dr. Yair Maimon (PhD, OMD) Iisraelist tutvustab Hiina meditsiini võimalusi toetada onkoloogilise patsiendi ravi. Toitumise olulisusest vähipatsiendi ravis räägib sisearst ja kliinilise toitmise spetsialist dr. Hanna-Liis Lepp. Onkoloogilise haige taastusravi vajadusi ja väljavaateid tutvustab Eesti Taastusarstide Seltsi juhatuse liige taastusarst dr. Eve Sooba ning vähipatsiendi psühholoogilise toetamise viimastest arengusuundadest räägib psühhiaater dr. Helena Lass. Lisaks on osalejatel võimalik näitusealal tutvuda valikuga kvaliteetsetest teenustest ja toodetest onkoloogilise patsiendi terviklikus ravis.


Konverentsile on oodatud kõik arstid ja terapeudid, kes puutuvad kokku onkoloogilise patsiendi ravi, toetamise ja taastumisega. Eelkõige soovivad korraldajad avada huvipakkuvaid teemasid onkoloogidele, perearstidele, sisearstidele, füsioterapeutidele  ning teistele vastava ala spetsialistidele.


Konverents on valdavalt eesti keeles, konverentsil on tagatud sünkroontõlge inglise keelest eesti keelde.


Osalemistasu on 79 eurot kuni 17. maini, hilisemal registreerimisel 99 eurot.

Hinnas sisalduvad: ürituse korraldamise, konverentsi materjalide ja tervisliku lõunalaua kulud.


Konverentsi päevakava ja lektoritega tutvuda ning registreeruda saab siin:


Dr. Maibrit Loogna, sisearst ja Evelin Ilves (MD 1993)

MTÜ Terviklik Tervishoid asutajad

Mob: +37256565118

See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

Vaginal Fistula Repair and Female Urethral Reconstruction Masterclass - 10.2016 - London, UK

 London Medical Education Academy (LMEDAC) provide objective, unbiased, hands on training for healthcare professionals who want to increase their anatomy knowledge. We use state of the art venues and internationally renowned faculty, we aim to make doctors better surgeons and help improve outcomes for patients all over the world.

In October we will be running a training course, in London, on female anatomy and surgical treatment of vaginal fistula repair and urethral reconstruction. The course will demonstrate different surgical techniques and be performed in small groups with a Cadaver-student ratio of 1:3. The course will be taught with the expert supervision of a world known team of Vaginal Fistula repair surgeons:
·         Dr A Digesu, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Urogynaecology Subspecialist and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College of London, UK
·         Prof. Sherif Mourad, Department of Urology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. New elected ICS General Secretary
·         Dr. Suzy Elneil, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Urogynaecology Subspecialist at University College Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. Chair ICS Fistula Committee
·         Prof. Ervin Kocjancic, Department of Urology, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. Chair ICS Education Committee
·         Dr. Ahmed Saafan, Department of Urology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
·         Dr. Mohamed Yassin, Department of Urology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
·        Dr. Ahmed Farouk, Department of Urology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
·         Dr M Szarko, Academic Lead for Clinical Sciences, Academic Director: Anatomy Teaching Facility, Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education

This course is being supported by the ICS and accreditation has been applied for from The CPD Standards Office, thus Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points can be applied to the needs of individual professionals.


5th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP) - 16.-18.11.2016 - Vienna, Austria

Dear ISFP Members and Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to attend The 5 th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP) that will take place in Vienna, Austria on November 16-18, 2017

During the last decade, Fertility Preservation has gained an important role in medicine and clinical patient care and is now at the forefront of medical and basic research in reproduction.

Fertility Preservation engages multidisciplinary fields of reproductive medicine, oncology, hematology, embryology, andrology, ovarian testis and gametes research, toxicology, psychology, and includes not only scientific researchers and physicians, but also social workers and nurses. All in a united effort to improve the quality of life of young cancer survivors, as well as the quality of life of other patients seeking to postpone reproduction due to medical or non-medical conditions. As such, the demand for Fertility Preservation has dramatically increased.

The aims of this congress are to present and discuss clinical and up-to-date scientific developments in Fertility Preservation; To share protocols and clinical knowledge; To find areas for future multidisciplinary scientific research and clinical collaboration; To spread education and to facilitate Fertility Preservation awareness. This will be achieved by bringing together the world's leading experts, young scientists and physicians.

We look forward to having you join us at our 5th Congress. Please mark and save the date.


Lisainfo siit:



Toetused liikmete osalemisel EBCOG ja NFOG kongressidel

ENS toetas oma liikmeid EBCOG ( ja NFOG kongressidel ( osalemisel.



Heal meel on teatada, et toetuse said järgmised kolleegid, kes esitasid kongressile ka oma teesid:

Hedda Lippus. Sexual violence – associations with self-perceived and mental health.

Kai Part. Sexual violence - associations with long-term illnesses, life and sexual satisfaction.

Liis Järva. Case Report: A Remarkable Cesarean Scar Niche Caused by Amniotic Membrane.

Olga Khrustaleva. Midtrimester placenta previa and PPROM. Case report.

Piret Veerus. Caesarean section trends in Estonia from 1992 to 2014: a Hedda Lippus. Sexual violence – are there associations with self-perceived and mental health?

Kadri Mägi. A heterotopic pregnancy is a rare complication in which both intra- and extrauterine pregnancy occur simultaneously.

Annela Mõts. Uterine Tumor Differential Diagnosis.


Toetamine sai võimalikuks tänu ravimifirmale Bayer OÜ.

ENS juhatus

Pädevushindamise läbinud naistearstid

Eesti Naistearstide Seltsi pädevushindamise komisjoni otsusega 07. aprill 2016 on läbinud  pädevushindamise kuni aprill  2021 järgmise naistearstid :


Merike Tooming

Veera Korokina

Kadri-Liina Vahula

Natalia Timofejeva

Lee Padrik

Kai Part

Larissa Gontšarova

Ülle Kiisla

Ene Selvet

Eevi Kaljula

Brigita Tamm

Siiri Arming

Viivi Heido

Ljubov Niinimäki

Vladimir Iljuhhin

Maarja Viitamees